Tuesday, 3 July 2007

Elke Krystufek

Hers is an unclassifiable work that defies the political and critical establishment (between feminism and subversion), and produces a wide-open and prolix imagery on her own positions as an artist and a woman. A multiplicity of self-portraits oil paintings, charcoal drawings, intimate videos and collages ; she uses her body and face as a medium and mirror.

Replicant Hitler, 2000

Themes include power, availability, communication, body designs and borderline
experiences. Her work deals with social discrimination, sex and violence, but beauty, leisure
time and pop culture are also part of her conceptual set-up.

Silent Scream, 2002
Elke Krystufek provokes a form of sexual gratification by making her body a projection area for pornography, female sexuality and masculine fantasies.

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