...and a doodle.
The work is very reminiscent of the CoBrA movement...
...and a doodle.
The work is very reminiscent of the CoBrA movement...
So i'm looking into each of these ideas and seeing where it leads me.
The bodies idea probably has nothing to do this it at all but its what I though of when I saw the pieces.
Replicant Hitler, 2000
Themes include power, availability, communication, body designs and borderline
experiences. Her work deals with social discrimination, sex and violence, but beauty, leisure
time and pop culture are also part of her conceptual set-up.
Jeff in the Position of Adam, 1990
Silver Shoes, 1991
Made in Heaven was inspired by Masaccio's The Expulsion - "the guilt and shame on Adam and Eve's faces in the painting. I wanted to make work that showed what it was like to be tranquil and not feel shame about the body. Whatever anybody's history is, it's perfect. It can't be any different. I would tie this to nature."
The Expulsion from the Garden of Eden, Masaccio, 1426-27